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The Indonesian Journal of Community and Occupational Medicine (IJCOM)
The Indonesian Journal of Community and Occupational Medicine (IJCOM) is an online scientific journal, act as an independent format of entity and in scientificcollaboration with the ILUNI MKK FKUI (Association of Magister Occupational Medicine Alumni, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia) and its parental institution, PRODI MKK FKUI. IJCOM aimed to provide a wide-range knowledge of community medicine/health sciences and occupational medicine publications from all over the world. IJCOM publishes original articles, case report, expert opinion/consensus, literature and systematic review, commentary, special edition and supplement volume.
The journal's full text is available online at (eISSN 2798-723X) and publish regularly three times a year (every July, November and March), allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles. All edition are indexed and abstracted in the main database, such as Google Scholar , PKP, Indonesia OneSearch, etc.
The Commitment of The Indonesian Journal of Community and Occupational Medicine (IJCOM)
This journal is an independent scientific platform of The ILUNI MKK FKUI in collaboration with Magister Occupational Medicine Program (Program Studi Magister Kedokteran Kerja), Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia (PRODI MKK FKUI).
As an independent scientific platform, The Indonesian Journal of Community and Occupational Medicine (IJCOM) shall act as a separated entities from all non scientific related innitiatives of ILUNI MKK FKUI, PRODI MKK FKUI and any other related organizations/affiliations, therefore the Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board Member, Sections Editors and Jurnal Editorial Offices team (who are responsible to the content and operational of the journal) should be treated as an independent parties from the abovementioned organizations. This committment aimed to protect the credibility of this journal in the global science environment.
This journal is open for future collaboration with other scientific partner, as well as sponsorship collaboration and research/educational support, without compromising its scientific content and should be with No Conflict of Interest.
At the moment, IJCOM does not charge any fee from authors for article submission/processing/publication. Purchasing fee for readers and downloads will not also be applied at the time being, and will be covered by the journal editorial office.
History of The Indonesian Journal of Community and Occupational Medicine (IJCOM)
IJCOM was founded by Dr. dr. Ray Wagiu Basrowi, MKK, FRSPH who acted as the first Editor-in-Chief together with whole ILUNI MKK FKUI Committee Period 2018-2022 who innitiated the development of the journal. This journal online for the first time at July 27th, 2021; officially launched by The Dean of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia (FKUI), Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD-KGEH, MMB, The Head of Magister Occupational Medicine Program (Kepala PRODI MKK FKUI), Prof. Dr. dr. Dewi Sumaryani Soemarko, MS, SpOk, and The Chair of The ILUNI MKK FKUI 2018-2022 dr. Ade M Mutiara, MKK, SpOk.
The history of Editor-in-Chief of The IJCOM.
- 2021 (present): Dr. dr. Ray Wagiu Basrowi, MKK, FRSPH
Association of Magister Occupational Medicine Alumni Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia (ILUNI MKK FKUI) is an association of graduates or, more broadly, of former students of Occupational Medicine Magister Program, Community Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia. The aim of this association is to help all the alumni maintain connections to their educational institution and fellow graduates and to fostering the attitude of feeling a duty to give back to our beloved institution the learnings that we acquired from it; with renewed and fruitful learning we experienced in life enriching it further.
Established since 1978, the Occupational Medicine Magister Program graduates under current title MKK have reached more than 700 doctors distributed all over Indonesia in various field of works and industry.
In January 2019, to marked and celebrate the 40 Years of MKK FKUI existence, the group of graduates assigned to form a new committee of Alumni Association to creating and maintaining a network among MKK graduates and committed to support and strengthening the role of MKK Study Program (Prodi MKK) and Community Medicine Department Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia in building and fortifying the importance of community health and occupational medicine to create a strong and health Indonesia.
The History of Chair of ILUNI MKK FKUI
2018 : Dr Sudadi, MS, SpOk
2018 - 2022 : Dr. dr. Ade M Mutiara, MKK, SpOk
2022 - : Dr. Bonnie Medana Pahlavie, MKK
Magister of Occupational Medicine, Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia (PRODI MKK FKUI) : Profile Prodi MKK FKUI
The History of The Chair of PRODI MKK FKUI
Present : Prof. Dr. dr. Dewi S Soemarko, MS, SpOk